We constantly hear about our identities being stolen and nowadays mostly by scumbags stealing our information when we are Online to the Internet. Thieves have now even gone further by intercepting our information through ATM's and eftpos machines used in stores. How do they get it from eftpos machines?
Simple, they pose as technicians come to upgrade or service them. They slip in an electronic device to catch peoples pins and personal information.
One thing I think is amazing with credit cards is that banks accept things being bought Online and all that is generally needed is a person's credit card number and name. Items then are sent to a bogus address. Your credit card number (and cvc) is on display everywhere. Pay your bill in a restaurant for example. The waiter whisks away with your card then returns it for your signature. How many credit card details are written down while this is happening.
True nowadays more and more places are now using portable eftpos machines where your card does not have to leave your person. We now have cards with memory chips on them that are supposed to be safer. How long will it be before the information will be able to be grabbed from it by thieves.
But let me get back to what this article is all about. Safeguarding your information Online. Hackers are finding more and more innovative ways for getting into our PC's. I haven't been hacked you say. I am sorry to say that the reason is that they just haven't found you yet. But never fear they eventually will.
As technology advances at a faster and faster rate new avenues for getting at our information open up. For example not so many years ago connection to the Internet was by wire or cable now we can connect through wireless, wifii and many other ways through the ether. My connection is through a satellite link and then through a wireless router around my home. More homes are now being built with wireless as standard within the home.
What about the connection you use when you stay at a hotel. Most hotels provide Internet access either by wireless or the standard physical LAN connection in your room
Do you know that there are people that drive around with a Laptop looking for unsecured wireless networks so that they can steal not your identity but to use your link to get free internet time. You even see people boasting about this on forums. If they can do this then it's no difficulty for people to steal your identity this way as well.
So how do we prevent these things. Secure your wireless network. This can be enabled in all wireless routers.
Do not keep any personal information on your computer or "type" any information through your keyboard.
Hah! You say, why should I do that. I have all this good stuff installed that is supposed to prevent this sort of thing. Well, nothing is perfect and hackers are smart. They eventually find a way around these things.
You need to use good home computer security practices. Read more about this and how you do not have to have your information on your computer but still can use it Online by visiting my site at "Home Computer Security" also if you have a slow computer find hints also on my site at "Windows XP Slow"